Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What do Writers Want?

Here's a great article by Kate Pullinger on the needs of writers that should be kept in mind as changes occur the publishing industry. And it's a measure of the way that those needs have been squeezed so far that it almost comes as a (ridiculous) shock to find her making such a statement of requirements.


mayo ninja said...

yes i think big publishers will have to be lighter on their feet in response to the new technology, and perhaps settle for a less dominant role.

in the same way that mcdonald's took control of the US meat industry and electricity companies control tree surgery (my trade), publishers have always controlled writers. is this fair, or even sensible? not sure.

i mention these two examples because they involve industries that have been taken over by people who understand little or nothing about the trades they dominate. do publishers understand writers and their needs / wants? i don't think so, but if they do, i'm pretty sure they don't care

Clare Dudman said...

Yes, really good article - and magazine very interesting too. thanks for the hat tip.