Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Literary Lenses, Writing Jumpers and a Prize Draw: my Virtual Book Tour

For someone so keen in theory on separating the work from the person of the writer, I am revealing a ridiculous amount of stuff on my virtual book tour: this week, on dovegreyreader scribbles, I even talk about my ruddy writing jumper! I'm beginning to think it's a joke, my having these principles...

We do also however talk about a more serious matter: whether short stories are 'miniatures' concentrating microscopically on the minute details of life, or whether they are something much more potentially dynamic and less cosy, capable of telescopically encompassing huge themes.

And this week there's a prize draw: a free copy of Balancing on the Edge of the World to each of three winners who leave their names in the comments section.


Cate said...

I'm here (with thanks to dovegreyreader) and would love to add my name to the draw for your new collection of short stories. Thank you!!

Elizabeth Baines said...

Thanks for dropping in, Cate. But did you leave your prize draw request in dovegreyreader's comments, which is where you need to do so?

Cate said...

Thanks for your reply Elizabeth. I didn't realize it was dovegreyreader's blog I was to leave my reply. Well, since I've just received a lovely book (Burnt Shadows) from 'Rocky's' previous giveaway, I shall refrain from submitting my name again. However, your book is now in my amazon cart!!

Elizabeth Baines said...

Cate,thanks so much for buying my book. However, I left your name for you on dovegrey's blog!

Elizabeth Baines said...

Cate,thanks so much for buying my book. However, I left your name for you on dovegrey's blog!